About the NBDB

Database of sequence-structure profiles with nucleotide-containing and cofactor binding function.

More information about the terminology and database usage is provided in Help and Tutorial section.


The database contains 249 sequence profiles of EFLs interacting with different parts of 24 nucleotide-containing ligands and relevant cofactors.
Based on the SCOP classification, representatives of EFLs are found in 74 folds, 84 superfamilies, and 195 families, respectively.

Version and History

Last updated September 20, 2015.

Authors and contact information

Zejun Zheng (A*STAR) - Data collection and web, support
Alexander Goncearenco (currently at NCBI, NIH) - Methodology development and software
Igor N. Berezovsky (A*STAR) - PI


Free for academic, commercial and non-commercial use.


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Methodology described in:


Built with: Protein-ligand interactions processed with Chimera.
NBDB uses PoseView generated 2D images from the PDB.
